Caudiciforms, fat-plants or pachycauls are
contemporary terms which describe plants with swollen stems. Almost all are
succulents; all develop bulbous roots in which they store food for later times.
Before now, the roots of most of these plants would seldom be seen above
ground. Today, encouraged by progressive nurseries and ambitious collectors,
plants with conspicuous caudexes are exhibited almost like works of art. Yet
there is no universal agreement which plants are caudiciforms, but most accept
that the presence of enlarged roots above or below the ground, presents a strong
case for inclusion. Adeniums and pachypodiums are already well known. Uncarina
and cyphostema are catching up. Generally, southern
List of
adansonia digitata
adenia globosa adenium
bursera microphylla
cyphostemma juttae euphorbia
fockea capensis
fockea edulis gerradanthus
momordica rostrata
sinningia leucotricha
tylecodon paniculatus fatplants1 tylecodon wallichii